After the first half of the game, I thought the game was over and North Carolina would win. They were dominating, looked quick, and were playing defense to win the first half. That all changed in the second half and Kansas playing defense, looked quicker, and dominated the second half to win the Tournament Championship.
- Final Score: Kansas 72, North Carolina 69 - 141 points
Congratulations Randy !!
1st - Randy S Page - (144 pts)
2nd - Harvey Harris - (143 pts, 62% pick percentage)
3rd - Jake - (143 pts, 60% pick percentage)
4th - Jerome Lewis - (140 pts)
5th - Pat K - (137 pts)
6th - William TJ - (136 pts, 161 tie breaker)
7th - AJ Wood - (136 pts pts, 110 tie breaker)
8th - Duvalst 18 - (134 pts)
9th - Duvalst 1 - (133 pts)
10th - Duvalst 3 - (132 pts)
2nd - Harvey Harris - (143 pts, 62% pick percentage)
3rd - Jake - (143 pts, 60% pick percentage)
4th - Jerome Lewis - (140 pts)
5th - Pat K - (137 pts)
6th - William TJ - (136 pts, 161 tie breaker)
7th - AJ Wood - (136 pts pts, 110 tie breaker)
8th - Duvalst 18 - (134 pts)
9th - Duvalst 1 - (133 pts)
10th - Duvalst 3 - (132 pts)
Congratulations to all of the winners!
** Next Year's Pool Update
I pains me to say this, after 26 years of running this bracket contest, next year's contest is up in the air.
I use Turbo Tourney Software to run the office pool contest and incorporate the standings into my website. The coder of the software is retiring, and he sold his company to another office pool company. So the way I am able to run this tournament and add the standings to my website is done. This was the final year for that.
I certainly want to keep running this pool going forward, this is one of my hobbies and I enjoy doing this. I've looked at a few options for next year, but all of them require you to login to another website and we join a group pool together. I don't know if I can incorporate the standings into my website, but maybe that's no longer needed.
So, big changes for next year unfortunately. I hope you all come along for the next version, whatever form it takes. Maybe I call it quits too, I just don't know right now.
If you have any office pool suggestions, or other pool sites you've used that you like and may work here, please drop me a message at